If you are not happy with the care that you have received in our practice, we would appreciate you discussing this with us. This allows us to investigate the issue, resolve the issue and ensures that we learn and improve our standards of care to all our patients.
As a first step contact one of the assistants and let them know that you have a complaint and they will then talk you through the procedure. In any case, one of the GPs will contact you as soon as possible to discuss the complaint.
If it is difficult for you to discuss your complaint with us or if we cannot resolve it to your satisfaction, you can discuss your complaint with an independent and impartial complaints officer.
The complaints officer will work with you to try and find a solution for your complaint. The complaints officer can try to mediate the complaint. The complaints officer is independent and does not choose sides. Everything you tell the complaints officer is confidential. Both of our practices are affiliated with the DokH organization – the accredited disputes body for family doctor care.
Read more via this Link (Dutch only)
If you cannot find a solution with your doctor and with mediation by the complaints officer, you can request a ruling on your complaint from the GP care dispute body. This independent committee consists of a chairman (lawyer) and members on behalf of patients and members on behalf of general practitioners. The committee is assisted by an official secretary who is also a lawyer.
The judgment of the dispute body is binding.